All Warriors are to the following Standards of the company...
Action Consequence
Late in reporting Running 5 rounds (within 15 mins) & 10 rounds
Running 10 rounds (beyond 15mins) parade square is immediate.
Late in reporting (2nd Offence) Running + Corrective Parade plus 15 mins
Late in reporting (3rd Offence) Running + Corrective Parade plus 30 mins
Late in reporting (4th beyond) Running + Corrective Parade plus 30 mins & Home visit to counsel Boy as decided by Squad Officer
Uniform / Bearing
Failure to report in correct attire Corrections made and Corrective Parade plus 30mins (Without Valid reason)
Failure for the following: Corrections made and Corrective Parade
1. Missing parts (including badges)
2. Position of badges
3. Tidiness of uniform (loose threads)
4. Cleanliness of uniform
5. Polishing of metal parts
2nd Offence and above: The Boy will have to make correction under supervision (chevrons will be confiscated) and attend a Corrective Parade subsequently + 30mins.
Failure in bearing: Correction made and Corrective Parade
1. Hair crosses eyebrow
2. Hair touching collar
3. Hair covering ears
4. Side burn passes ear
5. Any other hair style (or bearing) that is deemed unacceptable.
2nd Offence and above: The Boy will have to make correction under supervision (chevrons will be confiscated) and attend a Corrective Parade subsequently + 30mins.
Absence from Duty (including punishment reporting)
Sick Produce medical certificate on Mon morning
Family reasons Inform beforehand
No valid reason If the Boy doesn't have a MC or doesn't seek permission for, he will be
awarded with 2 Corrective parades + 30mins + Detention
Defiance to authority
Disrespectful to authority 1st warning will be given by the Officer/Primer
Failure to obey/submit 2nd warning will be given by Captain; Home visit by
Squad Officer; Upon consensus parents and school, the
Boy will be asked to leave the company and return uniform
within 2 weeks.
Note to All Boys
• Click here to check out the Uniform standards or otherwise stated in the blog/notice board.
• Every Boy has the responsibility to be aware of parade reporting time and requirements. When in doubt, he is to check with squad leader then squad officer then teacher in charge.
• Every Boy is to ensure he is contactable. Ignorance is unacceptable.
• Corrective parade will be taken by OC or CPT. It will be a 30mins drills session and can include structured activities to teach lessons.
• All of these defiance will be recorded in a Excel file to track Boy's discipline in the Company.
CPT Narash