99th Warriors
The 99th Company was birthed on the 23rd September 2004. It is an extension of the YouthNet family in Faith Community Baptist Church. This work was initiated by Rev Chua Seng Lee, then Chaplain of the company. Now, the company is run by Pastor Danny Lee.
The spirit in starting the 99th Company was one of faith, hope and love. It was FAITH because it was carried out by a group of volunteers who had no prior experience in the Boys’ Brigade nor background. It was a faith journey to venture into unchartered waters. It was HOPE because for a work to continue, we need to have a vision. We hope in God that through this work, we will develop great men from this generation of youth. Finally, it was LOVE which drove men and women to tirelessly serve week after week in ways which called for sacrifices. Our love is not perfect but God deposited His LOVE in us that we like to share.
We see a generation of youth who need to be guided and discipled. We hope and believe that every boy from the 99th Company will carry on this spirit of faith, hope and love in serving others. This journey will continue till the VISION is fulfilled.
Our Logo

The members of the Company are 99th warriors. Warrior is a term regarded with honor. One who is respected for his faith, courage and integrity. The code of arms shows mighty warriors on their knees which symbolizes praying warriors, drawing strength from God. A round shield which symbolizes faith. The centre of the shield shows a tree bearing fruit as the faith is in remaining in God (John15:7-8). In doing this, we show ourselves to be disciples of God. A warrior’s only offensive gear is the sword which is the Word of God. Our slogan “Strength within is strength from Him” is our acknowledgment that ONLY God is strong in all our weaknesses.
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