This is our "NEW" Blog address. It has all the features that many of you were asking me for. We would adding more features in the future to keep yourselves updated and excited. In a way, its still work in progress.
When you leave a message on the Tag board, leave your name behind.
Do leave your comments or questions on the comment page.
As you can see, our cyber home is still rather bare-boned. While I work out a system to ensure responsible and efficient posting, in the meanwhile, if you have something that you want to share on the blog, send it to me at with a short description and I or my team will try to make sure it is up within a day.

Warriors, Let us bloom.
Just like this 'Morning Glory', we are beautifully blooming into something "New". Our Chaplin's word to us is "New". We would have new experiences and venture out to new beginnings. I do pray that for each and everyone of you. Let's not live our old lives. But rather look out for "New" things that are happening. Life is not mundane nor "Sian". Live Life Intentionally, knowing that every moment counts. Lets put our successes and failures behind us. Let move ahead. Pressing on in the race (of life) just like a True Warrior.
Your Officer,
Sir Narash
1 comment:
remember the end in mind!
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